10 Reasons for Investing in Dental Care
In the UK, we’re lucky enough to have almost free health care. Yes, we pay tax towards it, and there are prescription costs. But if we need to see a doctor, have an operation, or go to the hospital for tests, we can, without worrying about insurance or payment. However, this healthcare doesn’t extend to dental treatment, which even NHS patients have to pay something towards. NHS dental treatment is typically cheaper than private care. But if you can afford to, investing in dental care can be well worthwhile. Here’s a look at ten reasons to invest in your teeth.
You Won’t Have to Worry About Finding a Dentist
It has always been hard to find an NHS dentist that is accepting new patients. But following two years of lockdowns and only treating urgent cases, most NHS dentists have huge waiting lists and are struggling to get back to being able to offer routine appointments.
If you find yourself in the position of not being registered to a dentist in 2022, you’ll probably find it very hard to find an NHS dentist that can take you on. In some areas, it could even be impossible. If you are lucky enough to register, you’ll still face long wait times, and trouble getting seen in an emergency.
Longer Appointments
A standard NHS dental check-up is typically limited to around five minutes to allow the dentist to see as many patients in a day as possible. Even appointments with treatments are limited as much as they can be, sometimes to the point where sacrifices have to be made when it comes to aftercare advice or making nervous patients more comfortable. Private appointments are much longer, and you can always request a longer appointment if you feel you need it.
A Greater Range of Treatment Options
Each year, NHS dentists are tied by further cuts and governmental impositions. Some practices can no longer offer certain treatments and are stuck offering only the most essential care.
For example, if you want dental veneers, to fill a gap in your smile, or to correct a problem that makes you self-conscious, and even makes it hard to eat or speak, your NHS dentist might be forced to refuse your preferred treatment as it’s technically cosmetic even though the problem may be causing you a great deal of stress.
Similarly, if you have missing teeth and are considering dental veneers, click the link for Glasgow Smile Clinic for more detailed information which can demonstrate reasons for investing in dental care.
Private Dentists Can Offer Preventative Care
Cost-cutting also means dentists are unable to look to the future. They deal with what is going on in your mouth right now, correcting issues and dealing with immediate problems. They don’t have enough time with you to work on preventative care or to help you find ways to keep your mouth healthy in the longer term. Private dentists are able to spend the time necessary to advise you on how to prevent future problems.
Most NHS clinics work 9-5 Monday to Friday, sometimes even with half days or late starts. If you also work 9-5 Monday to Friday, this can make getting an appointment very difficult. Few employers are willing to give staff time off for a dental check-up and nowadays even schools insist that parents make appointments during the school term holidays, which can be hard if every other child in the area is trying to get in for a check-up during the same five days. Private dentists offer far greater flexibility, often working later into the evening and even over the weekend.
If you want quality aftercare, and the ability to ask for further help and advice, then a private dentist might be for you.
It Can be Cost-Effective
Not having a full range of treatment available, a lack of aftercare, short appointments and a lack of preventative care can mean that actually, in the long-term, sticking with the NHS means that your dental work costs more. Paying for private treatment can mean that you need less of it and that the work that you have done lasts for longer and costs you less in the long term, so definitely a good reason for investing in dental care.
Private Dentists Have the Latest Equipment
NHS dentists do their best, but budgets are limited. This can mean that the equipment that they use isn’t replaced as frequently as it should be and that they don’t have access to the latest treatment techniques and methods. The surgery itself could even look tired and dated.
Better Training for Staff
NHS staff are busy. They sometimes miss out on being continually able to update their training over and above basic CPD requirements, and the ability to further their skills and knowledge, because they just don’t have the time to be away from their patients. Private dentists are offered the chance to improve their skills and stay up to date with the latest research.
Choice of Dentist
With NHS dentists so hard to find, when you do register, you’ll have to take whoever is available. When you join a private surgery, you can choose your dentist, and even swap to a different one later.
Yes, private health care is an expense. But if you can afford it, investing in private dentistry can be well worth it, keeping your teeth and gums healthy and giving you a smile that you can be proud of.
1 Comment
[…] often leave it until a problem with their teeth means a visit is essential. This is unfortunate as investing in dental care really does pay dividends in the long […]