Bruxism: What You Need Know When Coping With Teeth Grinding
Most people clench or grind their teeth on occasion, but bruxism is when you do it regularly and with such force that it eventually causes pain, stiffness, and sensitivity to the teeth and jaw. Bruxism can cause long-term damage to the jaw and teeth if left untreated, and in our guide, we can help you understand what you need to do when coping with teeth grinding.
What Is Bruxism?
Bruxism affects around 10% of the population in the UK, and those with this habit experience grinding of the teeth and jaw clenching that causes teeth to wear down, tooth breakages, headaches, and disorders of the jaw which often include pain and limited movement. This habit can occur in both children – which can often be a sign your child is being bullied – and adults of any age, but is most common among 25 to 44-year-olds.
Bruxism has two classifications; awake and sleep. Awake bruxism is involuntarily bracing your jaw or clenching your teeth in response to external stimuli, and there is typically no grinding of the teeth with awake bruxism. Those with sleep bruxism have unconscious and automatic teeth grinding during sleep with sustained jaw muscle contractions.
The Cause Of Bruxism
The cause of bruxism is not always clear and is different depending on the person. However, there are some external causes that have been linked to bruxism, such as stress, anxiety, missing teeth causing a misalignment, medication, smoking, drugs, pre-existing medical conditions, or a family history of bruxism.
Research has shown that bruxism rarely occurs alone and is often found more frequently in those who have pre-existing conditions such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnoea, or breathing pauses during sleep. Other disruptive sleep-related disorders like sleep talking, paralysis, hypnopompic hallucinations, or violent behaviour during sleep, are conditions many suffering from bruxism report having.
Many studies have found that obstructive sleep apnoea has the highest risk for bruxism. When those with obstructive sleep apnoea rouse, it triggers various mouth phenomena, including gasping, mumbling, snoring, and tooth grinding.
Mental health also plays a large part when it comes to bruxism, as nearly 70% of cases have been found to be a direct result of stress or anxiety.
Finding The Right Dentist
When you have bruxism, it can cause damage to your teeth and jaw. It’s crucial to make an appointment with a dentist who has a clear understanding of bruxism to assess the level of damage your teeth clenching, or grinding has caused. For example, Fulham Road Dental has specialist equipment and offers a wide range of treatments for the damage caused by bruxism, so if you are looking for a dentist in Fulham that would be a good choice. But do always speak to your family and friends for recommendations.
How To Stop Grinding Your Teeth
There have been many treatments for bruxism over the years with varying degrees of success to reduce the level of bruxism and generally help people cope with teeth grinding. However, there are only three treatments that have been proven to help stop bruxism; occlusal splints, hypnosis, and mandibular advancement devices.
Occlusal splints are small mouthguards typically made from plastic that can be used immediately. Many dentists can make these guards for you to fit more snugly, but they can also be found only for immediate help until you see your dentist. They have been found to be the most successful treatment for bruxism as they protect the teeth from wear, reduce the noise from teeth grinding, and minimise jaw muscle movements. This allows the person with bruxism to sleep soundly, knowing they will not damage their teeth or jaw further, and anyone sleeping in the same bed will no longer be disturbed by the noise.
Mandibular advancement devices are typically used for the management of conditions such as snoring and sleep apnoea, but many studies have reported that they are highly effective for sleep bruxism. However, there is more research required as many users found Mandibular advancement devices quite uncomfortable and, in some cases, painful. Many researchers hypothesised that it was the discomfort from wearing a mandibular advancement device that resulted in the reduction of bruxism activity.
Hypnosis has been under review for many years, and many people with bruxism have found relief from the problems caused by the habit. During one study, researchers reviewed the long-term effects of using hypnosis for bruxism and that after 36 months, those with bruxism still had a positive outcome.
The Bruxism Association recommends a range of behavioural therapies as effective ways of coping with teeth grinding including hypnosis, but also psychoanalysis, autosuggestion, progressive relaxation, self-monitoring, meditation, sleep hygiene, and habit reversal. These therapies have all been prescribed to treat and manage bruxism, especially for those whose bruxism has been caused by anxiety, stress, or mental health disorders. Autosuggestion is a popular choice for many wishing to self-monitor, and psychoanalysts have reported that by using this technique, many with bruxism become more aware of the habit, even while asleep, and are able to stop it. However, autosuggestion lacks scientific backing and requires more research for how effective it can be on a larger scale and is therefore not a recommended cause of action.