Eight tips to keep you looking and feeling good every day
Looking and feeling good is easier said than done, especially during these challenging times when many of us have been working from home and living inactive lifestyles. But regardless of the circumstances, we should never stop working on ourselves and improving the quality of our life, so that we can thrive and savour life.
Although there is no magic pill that will instantly make you look good and feel more vigorous every day, using the right set of tactics can make you reach this goal if you are patient enough.
It’s quite simple – if you look good, you’ll feel good, and vice-versa.
Since everyone is unique, there are numberless ways on how to improve well-being and appearance, but we sought information from professionals and came up with the top eight tips to look good and feel better every day.
Eat healthier
To begin with, change your diet by eliminating all the junk food, snacks, sweets, and fizzy drinks. You are probably already conscious of their harmful impacts on health but take into consideration that if you treat your body inadequately by eating and drinking this harmful stuff, it will most certainly manifest on your exterior as well.
We all know this makes sense, and yet it is so easy to drift into bad habits. When it is warm and sunny, it is so much easier to start enjoying wholegrain foods with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, maybe even some homegrown options, if possible. So, as it is now officially summertime, it is a great time to really focus on a Mediterranean diet.
Vitamins & minerals
When considering vitamins & minerals, people usually think of the “most popular” ones such as Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, vitamins C, D, or E. All of them matter equally, and some are unfairly out of the limelight. Evidence shows that vitamin C, for example, can help people with COVID recover more quickly, and yet it has not been adopted by mainstream medical professionals.
You are probably aware of the many advantages of the aforementioned vitamins and minerals, but check out this link to learn about the amazing benefits of vitamin K. We bet this is something most people are unfamiliar with.
Of course, the best way to get the proper levels of vitamins and minerals is through food, but since this can be challenging at times, consider adding supplements to your diet. Your body will thank you!
Pay attention to your mental health
Your health should always be a number one priority, and both good mental & physical health is crucial for our overall well-being since they are correlated, but some people seem to neglect their mental health for various reasons. In turn, this stops them from looking and feeling good.
To avoid this, find a way to release the stress, like meditation, yoga, going to nature – whatever works for you. Other than having healthy lifestyle habits, you can also focus on staying positive, practice gratitude and mindfulness.
Many people find that sharing their mental health stories anonymously, rather than suffering in silence, can be extremely beneficial. Minds Anonymous provides a great platform for people to be able to do this.
Get enough rest
This is one of the most simplistic and solid ways to look and feel good. If you are well-rested, you’ll look pristine and vigorous, while having enough energy for any challenges and responsibilities.
Recognise the significance of sleep hygiene to get the most of your slumber.
Body exterior
Just like treating the interior of your body is crucial, the same can be said about your body’s exterior. To reinvigorate your skin, hair, and nails, make sure to use suitable products and clean, moisturise, peel and trim regularly. As much as possible, use natural and organic products as chemicals in cheap products can be absorbed into the bloodstream and be harmful.
If you take care of your body exterior, it is an excellent way to constantly look pristine, which leads to feeling great about yourself.
Pamper yourself once in a while
You know you deserve it.
You do not really have to spend a lot to give yourself a bit of tender loving care, as there are many budget-friendly ways to pamper yourself.
Some of the examples are:
- Massage
- Bubble bath
- Cosying up & getting comfy
- Sleeping in & being lazy
- Enjoying a romantic dinner with candles
This way, you will not ever have to feel guilty for overspending or redirect your budget & time for pleasurable activities.
Set boundaries!
Learn how to disconnect from bad stuff like technologies, social media, and other time or energy-wasting activities. Preferably, use that time & energy to engage in other more prolific activities & hobbies that will bring you enjoyment and pleasure.
At the same time, remove the “energy vampires” from your life completely and learn how to connect and surround yourself with positive and dynamic people, as they will most unquestionably influence you, so you’ll end up becoming one of them.
Of course, we all know the importance of exercising regularly, but it doesn’t have to be in the gym. Walking, running, gardening, swimming, dancing are all excellent ways to keep fit.
Decide what works best for you and ensure you exercise regularly.
Okay, so we have not presented you with anything mind-shatteringly different, but that is actually the point! We all know what we need to do to ensure we are looking and feeling good every day, but we don’t always do it. So, make a pact with yourself and start today. You will be glad you did!
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels
loved that you have added the “set boundaries” pointer in your article. many people ignore this aspect, trying to please and impress people. I too had a hard time setting boundaries with people. no one teaches us this, we have to figure it out through experimenting.
Thank you, Shailesh