Myths About Being Pregnant With Twins
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences of a woman’s life. But at the same time, it can be quite confusing. There are so many myths and if you are pregnant with twins, even more myths abound!
Additionally, whilst we are lucky in the UK to have, in the main, extremely good anti-natal care, the conventional health approach often seems far too clinical. Pregnant women are sometimes treated as having an illness instead of going through a totally natural and wonderful process. It can be hard for expectant mums to differentiate between the truths and myths; to find a balance which allows them to enjoy their pregnancy and yet also be aware of any adverse indications.
All too often, pregnant mums are left in a state of hassle and confusion throughout nine months and even after that in certain cases!
Although many superstitions abate with time, there are still some lingering here and there when it comes to twins. All pregnancies are special, but having twins is considered as a wonderful blessing. But if you are pregnant with twins and already wondering how you will cope with looking after two babies at a time, let alone the issues as they get older, you certainly don’t need superstitions in your life.
In this article, we are going to discuss some of the most popular myths about being getting pregnant with twins, and what you should expect during pregnancy and childbirth.
As well as reading the following, if you know you are pregnant with twins the NHS suggests you register with Twins Trust and download a healthy multiple pregnancy guide for free.
Some of the most popular myths
1- Morning sickness is worse
Some people believe that having twins means that your morning sickness doubles as well. It is one of the most popular superstitions about twins.
Although some women expecting twins or more report lots of morning sickness, others do not experience any.
Morning sickness generally depends on your hormonal activity, your diet, and a wide range of other factors.
The NHS recommends using self-care techniques as a first step If you experience morning sickness, such as eating little and often, and to avoid getting hungry. They also avoid some complementary therapies such as acupressure. There is also some evidence that ginger supplements may help reduce nausea and vomiting.
If other people recommend other supplements such as Kratom for morning sickness, ALWAYS speak to your GP or health practitioner first and do not be tempted to take anything without their approval. . This Red Borneo Kratom review on the kratom krush website, for example, sounds very convincing and, in due course, Kratom may prove to be a helpful product. But until proven, taking it when pregnant really isn’t worth the risk is it?!
2- Identical twins run in the family
Many people assume identical (monozygotic) twins runs in the family, but this is not the case. According to the NHS, all pregnant women have the same chance of having identical twins: about 1 in 250.
However, non-identical (dizygotic) twins do run in the family on the mother’s side. This is believed to be because of an inherited tendency to release more than one egg.
Non-identical twins are also more common in certain ethnic groups and in older women.
Typically, in the UK, about 1 in 80 pregnancies through natural conception result in multiple births, but this figure increases to 1 in 5 after IVF treatment.
3- Twins always skip a generation
It certainly is not true that twins always skip a generation, but it does sometimes happen because of the inherited tendency mentioned above.
Whilst men clearly do not ovulate, they can inherit the gene which may have made their mothers more likely to release more than one egg and pass the gene on to their daughters. This, in turn, would make it more likely for them to have twins, thus skipping a generation.
4- You gain double the weight
Two babies equal double the weight. How many of you have heard this phrase? Probably all of you!
It is important you accept this as a myth because eating too much and putting on too much weight is unhealthy for you and your babies and could cause complications during childbirth.
It is, of course, normal to put on more weight if you are carrying twins, but certainly not double the weight of carrying a single child! You should not be eating significantly more than normal. Making sure you are eating the right foods during pregnancy is the most important factor. I will not hurt to have a few treats, especially if you are having cravings, but do not let that be an excuse for habitually eating all the wrong foods.
5- C-Section is a must
You think you might need to have a C-section because someone told you that is the only way your twins will come out—one of the worst pregnancy myths. Although a larger proportion of women carrying twins do give birth via C-section, in the UK more than 40% of twin births are vaginal, albeit the NHS normally recommends an epidural for pain relief in such cases.
It is important to discuss your birth options with your midwife or consultant early on in your pregnancy. If you would prefer a natural birth and there are no contra-indications, they will aim to work with you to ensure this is the case whenever possible and appropriate.
6- All pregnancies begin with twins
One of the oddest superstitions about having twins is that all pregnancies begin with twins. Imagine that? Well, that is not the case. Our bodies work differently. Only in certain cases two embryos form at a time and lead to twins.
There are sadly certain instances where pregnancies begin with twins, but one of the embryos doesn’t survive, but it certainly isn’t the norm
Final Words
Enjoy your pregnancy and avoid all the myths and rumours.
Focus on yourself and your unborn baby or babies. Eat well, exercise gently, and avoid stress.
A certain amount of discomfort is not unusual during pregnancy, but if you have any severe pain, especially if accompanied by bleeding, speak to your midwife or consultant immediately, or dial 111 for medical advice.
Don’t be tempted to purchase supplements for pain relief without your doctor’s approval and be aware that online Google searches such as what are the best supplements for pain during pregnancy, or what is the best Kratom for pain may not be safe. Because something is herbal does not mean it is necessarily safe for you and/or your babies. Always speak to your health practitioner before taking such products and, if you do purchase supplements, ensure you purchase from a pharmacy or a UK-based ethical company if purchasing online.