Maintaining good eye health when working from home
With so many of us still working from home, and even some people who have gone back to work now returning to their home office – even if it is just the kitchen table – we are spending more time in front of our screens than ever. Indeed, stats show that many of us sit in front of our computers and work longer hours than we would if we were in the office. One of the things that is often overlooked in this situation is maintaining good eye health when working from home.
Staring at a screen all day can have an extremely negative impacts on your eyes and their general day to day health, which may later lead to more serious problems. Common effects we see from long periods of time spent looking at screens are dryness, eye fatigue and headaches.
Looking after your eyes is really important as not doing so could lead to serious vision problems. In this article, we are going to give you a few tips on how to keep your eyes in tip-top condition when working from home.
Try blue light glasses
As mentioned, spending a lot of time on your computer can have a detrimental effect on your eyesight. Many of the problems are caused by the harsh blue light used on computer screens, including eye strain. Solve this issue with ease by picking up a pair of glasses with added blue light control.
You can add this feature to many of the glasses at online retailers such as Spex4Less, so you don’t have to worry about having multiple pairs of specs for different uses. Not only will it reduce discomfort caused by glare, but they also help you sleep better at night. A win-win, in our book.
Adjust your screen brightness
Having your screen brightness turned up to the max can be uncomfortable on your eyes and can cause some people to squint.
However, having your brightness down too low can cause your eyes to strain which is also not what you want.
Try setting your screen brightness to a mid-level where it feels comfortable. This might be different depending on the room you are in and the time of day/year so don’t be afraid to change the settings as and when needed.
Check your surrounding lighting
Following on from the last point, the lighting around you can also cause problems. Lighting coming from either above or behind you can cause glare on your screen, so consider turning these lights off or if you can, dimming them, this way it will be easier to see and focus on what is on your screen.
Blink often
This one might sound a bit odd but when staring at screens all day our eyes can get a bit dry as we tend to blink less often.
Blinking produces tears, and these will then help moisten the eye, so when working from home and in front of a screen, make a conscious effort to blink more and keep your eyes moist and refreshed – no matter how silly it makes you feel!
Screen breaks
No one should sit in front of a screen solidly for eight hours a day, this will absolutely not do your eyes any good.
Make sure when working from home you take regular screen breaks, whether that is to nip to the toilet or make yourself a coffee, as it is all too easy to keep ploughing through your work when your office is your home.
Better still, take a break and get out in the fresh air. Either in your garden or patio, or even a walk around the block. It will do you the world of good, both helping to maintain the good eye health when working from home plus also a host of mental and physical benefits.
Taking screen breaks from time to time will allow your eye to rest and refocus, giving you better clarity and all-round healthier eyes!
Adopt Feng Shui Tips
Adopting Feng Shui tips for working from home will help to improve your mental and physical health. But thinking about the space you are working in can else help reduce eye stress and help to maintain good eye health when working from home.
Image credits:
Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash