3 Steps to Fight Your Alcohol Addiction
Admit it. You have a problem and we’re all going to die if you keep this up!
Left unchecked, you may die from the very thing you can’t live without.
And we die a little each day watching you drink yourself to death, silently, insidiously.
Alright, now that we have your attention with talk of death by alcohol, let’s talk solutions. And we’re guessing that if you made it this far, you might be ready.
We’ll see what you do next……
Welcome to the first and most important part in addressing your alcohol addiction.
1. ADMIT your alcohol problem.
Admitting a problem to anything is the first and most important step in relieving any questionable situation. Let’s look at some interesting factoids about addiction. Here we refer to an article at Forbes.com about “The Cost Of Addiction On Families”.
Consider this one quick little review to determine IF you might have a problem with alcohol addiction.
Have you missed work days or even been fired from a job?
- Have you, or someone else covering for you, lied to an employer about the side effects of the morning after your drinking?
- Do you drink during your lunch break or do you even drink at work? What’s in that coffee mug, water bottle?
- Is drinking affecting your performance?
- Perhaps your chances of promotion and/or personal development are being thwarted because of your focus on drinking rather than studying?
- Do you drive when you know you are probably over the limit?
- Or perhaps you have already been involved in an incident or two because your reactions have been impaired by alcohol?
- Maybe they have been minor incidents, but did you know that nearly 1,000 people die each year, and nearly 4,000 are seriously injured, as a result of drink driving related accidents in Great Britain each
- And that approximately 85,000 people are convicted of drink driving related offences every year in England and Wales alone?
- Have you already been convicted for a DUI offence (driving under the influence), or is it just a matter of time……..?
Enough said.
It is said that a happy environment of supportive people and positive places is key to addressing the long-term success in staying sober.
Now, according to an interesting article on HuffingtonPost.com, “Likely Cause Of Addiction Has Been Discovered And It’s Not What You Think”. The opposite of addiction is NOT sobriety. It is the deep and natural bonds that are formed as a result of genuine human connection. Addiction is an adaptation to your surroundings. If your surroundings are terrible and intolerable, you’re going to use to take the edge off. Yet if your surroundings are supportive and positive, your need for human connection fulfilled with meaningful bonds, your sobriety is practically guaranteed to be another success story.
Addiction is not about sobriety. Addiction is about the need to belong and bond be fulfilled.
Sit with that one for a minute and let it sink in. It’s that important and you owe it to yourself to really understand that if you want to succeed in sobriety.
Can you respect yourself enough each day to follow through with the simple, effective steps to your recovery?
You might find that complementary therapies can help you overcome your addiction. For instance, clinical hypnosis has been effective in treating any addiction. The Healthy Life Essex Complementary Therapists Directory might prove useful to find therapists to support you, as might the Health Foods and Supplements Directory.
You could also do a Google search to find alcohol addiction treatment and recovery services in your local area.
But if you are really dedicated to your success and are concerned about anonymity and protecting your reputation, your call to action could be to find a good Alcohol Rehab Facility in a different county or perhaps even in another country to really get you away from the norm of day-to-day living. You could even reach out to Amethyst Alcohol Programs in Florida, for example, and see how they can help you on your journey to recovery.
Article by Bobby Miller
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[…] Alcohol withdrawal symptoms occur when an alcoholic reduces or stops drinking alcohol altogether. Some people may experience only mild symptoms that can be managed without medication or medical supervision. […]