Basildon, Billericay and Wickford CVS a looking for a suitably experienced person to set up and ensure the smooth running of the Basildon Emergency Night Shelter (BENS) provision in Basildon Borough. This will be operational from Saturday 2nd December 2017 to Saturday 31st March 2018. The Coordinator will report to the Homelessness Working Group (HWG) and will be hosted by BBWCVS.
The post is for 20 rs/pw and may include evening and weekend working. The post is fixed term until 30st April 2018
SALARY: £11.50 per hour
Completing your Application Form
BENS Project Coordinator JD PS
Night Shelter Coordinator Briefing Note
For more information please contact Chris on 0126829 4781 or by email to
Please note that the closing date for this position is Monday 16 October at 4.30pm.