As we made our way down Church Hill on Sunday 23rd August, I noticed St Clements Church Tower was open. My husband Glen and I agreed it would give our friend’s daughter, who we were looking after for the day, a different view of Leigh following our visit to the 6th annual Fishing Festival.
Arriving in Old Leigh mid afternoon, there were still plenty of activities on Bell Wharf including the rock pool display. Retracing our steps to the marquee entrance, Elisabeth suddenly recognised a postcard of “Evening Glow” by David Hurrell from a painting her father has back home in Austria.
Leaving David and Glen to chat, Elisabeth and I pored over a shar’s jaw, learnt about the skate caught off Wallasea by a lady member of the Thorpe Bay Angling Association and picked up leaflets on RSPB and Essex Wildlife Trust events.
The sun speckled the cobbles, flashing on empty, translucent oyster shells, small dogs strained at dropped ice cream cones and the full beach vibrated with summer children, undeterred by the seaweed rippled sand.
Once again Old Leigh was turning an ordinary summer day into fun and celebration.
Elisabeth and Glen opted for a flagpole-flaked ice cream, as we headed through the salt and vinegar air to Leigh Heritage Centre for a peek in Plumbs Cottage to see how the Burder fishing family lived in the 19th century.
The light breeze was just enough to cool enthusiastic locals, visitors and passengers on the ‘Uncle Ronnie’ and we marvelled at how well the Peter Boat’s hanging baskets had flourished since the folk festival.
Wet-suited teenagers gathered on Bell Wharf as the Thameside Shantymen rolled through their sea songs and two costumed characters danced a jig.
Our final stop was the Port of London Authority’s mobile unit. Elisabeth watched as Glen and I tossed a giant die across the ˜snakes and ladders” board and answered questions about the riverside code and safety at sea.
Glen knows how dangerous the estuary can be; during his childhood, he had a dinghy and his friend Chris had a small outboard motor which they lugged down Church Hill and they spent many happy hours messing about in the creek. So Glen was surprised to learn the mud can be as deep as the height of the flagpole opposite Leigh Sailing Club. Safety in the estuary is always a concern, when so many diverse activities need to be accommodated and the display by the Essex Police Marine Unit, of injuries caused by jet skis, left us feeling subdued.
Events like these always inspire me; we become tourists in our own town, scribbling notes and taking photos, and seeing the day through the eyes of Elisabeth gave Old Leigh a whole new perspective.
At the entrance to St Clements Church we met my cousin Don, who is Deputy Churchwarden there. The last time Glen and I scaled the tower together, was on a date in 1992; we’d stopped on our way to the Air Show, to enjoy the sultry view before walking to Southend. Today the view was just as good; though the breeze made it a little cooler, there were a few missing shops in the town, and a few more flats and Mediterranean style bars, the community spirit and love for the sea was still there.
Glen’s last photo from the church tower captured the view of Bell Wharf and we could still hear the hum of people enjoying the glorious August weather.
I’m glad so many turned out to discover Leigh’s connection with the sea and thankful we still have a fishing industry to celebrate.
Tags: 19th century fishing family, Bell Wahrf, Leigh Heritage Centre, Leigh Sailing Club, Leigh-on-Sea Annual Fishing Festival, Leigh-on-Sea fishing industry, Old Leigh, Peter Boat, Plumb cottage, Port of London Authority, shark's jaw, St clements Church, Thamesdie Shantymen, the riverside code, Uncle Ronnie