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Organised by Brentwood and Billericay Local Group. Matthew McGettigan, the Ranger at Thames Thurrock Nature Park (opened as a EWT site in 2013 on one of the largest landfill sites in England) will talk about the important species that reside and pass through and outline some future plans.
Find out more »This event at Shenfield Parish Hall is organised by the Brentwood and Billericay Local Group. Popular speaker Derek Howes returns with a new talk: “A trip through Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and Costa Rica showing some of the spectacular and lesser known and unusual wildlife of these countries”.
Find out more »This illustrated talk entitled Conservation in our Landscapes at Shenfield Parish Hall is organised by the Brentwood and Billericay EWT Local Group. The talk, which is suitable for all ages, is given Emma Ormond who is the Living Landscapes Co-ordinator.
Find out more »This fundraising concert at Shenfield Parish Hall, organised by the Brentwood and Billericay Local EWT Group, promises to be a fun night out for all the family. SongCycle are a Brentwood based four-piece men’s group with a passion for singing and a liking for real ale. They will provide a varied and often amusing programme of song ranging from Postman Pat, Beatles, Billy Joel, Vaughan Williams and JS Bach with different entertaining words. Advance booking is essential. Ticket price includes…
Find out more »This free event in Shenfield is organised by the Brentwood and Billericay Local EWT Group. Graham Mee from the RSPB returns to give a talk on ‘Nature Reserves – our last sanctuary’, Mulled wine and mince pies will be available in the interval to kickstart early Christmas celebrations.
Find out more »Naturalist Ross Gardner presents a fresh look at viewing the “ordinary” and “commonplace” in nature to challenge our assumptions. All meetings open to non-members. What is ordinary and what is not you may be asking?
Find out more »This is a fun quiz night at Shenflied Parish Hall organised by the Brentwood and Billericay Local EWT Group. Don't take our popular brain workout too seriously; it’s not Eggheads. Come along on your own and we can put you into a like-minded team. Or, form your own team of 8. Bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles. Non-members are always welcome Please book in advance.
Find out more »This event is organised by the Brentwood & Billericay EWT Local Group Neil Phillips presents an intimate look at some of the iconic species which proliferate in the south of our county
Find out more »Brentwood & Billericay Local EWT Group will have a very short AGM, followed by Rachel Fancy from RSPB giving an update on the progress of the spectacular Wallasea Wild Coast Project. Learn how bland arable fields are being transformed into a wildlife paradise.
Find out more »This event is organised by the Brentwood and Billericay Local EWT Group. Non-members are welcome. Ranger Mick Greenslade presents a graphic history of this fascinating site, describing how it has been developed from a WWII airfield into a welcoming habitat for a wide range of wildlife form cuckoos to warblers and water voles to grass snakes.
Find out more »This talk has been organised by the Brentwood and Billericay EWT Local Group. Karen and Sue from the Southend Dormouse Group will give a fascinating talk about the hidden world of the hazel dormouse, an attractive endangered species brought back from the brink by dedicated volunteers.
Find out more »Local premiere of Chris Baines’ new film The Living Thames is an odyssey along the tidal Thames looking at the relationships between wildlife, people and the dynamic river. 150 years ago, the Thames was considered dead but now supports a wider range of species than ever, as well as providing humanity’s basic needs. Director Dorothy Leiper and archaeologist Fiona Haughey will be present to answer questions and lead discussion of issues raised. This meeting has been organisaed by the Brentwood…
Find out more »Popular speaker Derek Howes returns with a new presentation recording his trip to Alaska and the Pacific North-west of America. You have never seen hump-backed whales this way before. Truly stunning.
Find out more »Bra-vissima is a small ladies choir formed by local soprano soloist Julia Wilson James. They perform a wide range of music, sacred and secular. Julia’s aim for the choir has always been to achieve the highest possible standard and to make a beautiful sound. Anyone who has heard them would say a harmonious evening is guaranteed. Provide your own drinks. This is a fundraising event for the Brentwood & Billericay Local EWT Group Booking required is essential.
Find out more »Bill Coster will deliver an illustrated talk about Antarctica and the thriving wildlife amid the bleak landscapes of this vast and desolate continent. The footage showing vast penguin rookeries and many other highlights are spectacular. This event is organised by the Brentwood & Billericay Local EWT Group. As it is the final talk of the season, there will be an option of a glass of mulled wine and mince pie, plus our popular Christmas Gift Table.
Find out more »Zoe Ringwood from Essex Wildlife Trust will give an illustrated talk covering the Trust's conservation strategy in south-west Essex, illustrated by case studies. Event organised by the Brentwood & Billericay Local EWT Group, but non-members are most welcome.
Find out more »Join a Quiz night in Shenfield organised by the Brentwood and Billericay Local EWt Group. Funds raised support Essex Wildlife Trust conservation work. A great night for quiz buffs of every standard- wildlife knowledge an advantage. Bring own drinks and nibbles. Advance booking essential
Find out more »Working for a consultancy that is dedicated to conserving species as well as reintroductions Ecologist and researcher Peter Cooper, will talk to us about the benefits of beavers, the history of its reinstatement in Britain, potential future challenges as well as an update on the North Essex reintroduction This event is organised by the Brentwood & Billericay Local EWT Group and the evening will start with a short AGM. Booking is not necessary.
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