If you are holding date specific online events that can help individuals during these challenging times, you are welcome to add these events to the calendar (using the green button below) providing you are a charity or community group and/or the events are free to access.
Please note: The events in Essex featured are all third party events: Healthy Life Essex is not normally directly involved in organising or running any of these events. As events may be cancelled or details changed without us being informed, please always clarify details with the organiser/contact listed. Healthy Life Essex cannot accept responsibility for incorrect information shown on our events listings.
Directory advertisers can add their own ad hoc events free of charge as can most charities. Other events may incur a cost. The directors reserve the right not to accept entries or to make a small charge.
An event specifically for carers, Suitable for carers with anxiety or those caring for someone with anxiety
Find out more »‘Where do our seeds come from?’ A talk by David Price of the Seed Co-operative, Spalding, the UK's community owned seed company. For those of us who care about people and the environment, the traceability of the clothers we wear, the food we eat and the other products we purchase is important. We want to know if our purchase are causing others harm and/or harming the environment. The same applies to the seeds we purchase, but pehrpas that is an…
Find out more »An event specifically for carers, Suitable for carers with anxiety or those caring for someone with anxiety
Find out more »This is a South East Essex Organic Gardeners event. Non-members are most welcome. Our speaker is Andrew Tann, from Crapes Fruit Farm, a specialist farm offering many varieties of apples. Crapes Fruit Farm is located just five miles west of Colchester, Essex, and only one mile north of Marks Tey Railway Station, within easy reach of the A12.
Find out more »SE Essex Organic Gardeners would love you to join them at their next meeting on Monday 16 September at Growing Together Westcliff at 20:00: Discussion on ‘no-dig gardening’ facilitated by Darren Lerigo Darren started Modern Mint in 2014 as a place for him to meet clients who share his fascination with gardens, pruning and wildlife. His topiary work has been seen in the Guardian, Country Living Magazine and on Channel 4.
Find out more »Southend in Transition are using one of the allotment plots at Southend East Allotment Society site to create a community plot where local residents can come occasionally or regularly to learn new growing skills; interact with each other and nature; save some money by taking some organic produce home and then maybe start growing at home or take on their own plot when they have the confidence. Join us at our monthly South East Essex Organic Gardeners meeting to…
Find out more »Darren will explore the subjects of pruning, carbon capture, weed control, planting, food growing and the effect of gardening on the British landscape.
Find out more »The 10th South East Essex Seed Potato Day is a community partnership event with SE Essex Organic Gardeners, Southend in Transition and local charity Trust Links. Why not put it in your diary now? We have currently ordered over 40 varieties of seed potato (some organic), to be sold individually at 20p per tuber (1 free tuber for every 5 bought). Some onion sets for sale.
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