If you are holding date specific online events that can help individuals during these challenging times, you are welcome to add these events to the calendar (using the green button below) providing you are a charity or community group and/or the events are free to access.
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An introduction to crayfish ecology and identification for people interested at a professional level.
The native crayfish has suffered a dramatic decline in Essex in recent decades, reflecting its demise across much of the country, primarily at the hands of the alien American Signal Crayfish and the disease which they carry – Crayfish Plague.
By the end of the day participants will be able to distinguish the three species found in Essex – our native White-clawed Crayfish and the invasive Signal Crayfish and Turkish Crayfish. Participants will also be aware of the risks of transferring Crayfish Plague from river to river and of measures to prevent its spread (drying/sterilising equipment, boots, nets etc).
Recent crayfish conservation in Essex has established two safe ‘Ark’ sites – a safe refuge away from non-native crayfish and disease. This year’s course will visit the donor population to these Ark sites, being one of the last remaining safe sites for White-clawed Crayfish in Essex, located on a tributary of the River Chelmer.
Bring your own packed lunch and suitable outdoor clothing including waders/wellies if possible.
Booking is essential