Do you know how much electricity all your appliances use? What difference does it make if you leave the computer on all day, or how much does it cost to boil a kettle of water.
Did you know you can get a tiny energy monitor that will show you exactly how much energy is being used in your home? And better still, you can get them on loan from Southend library. Why not rush along and borrow one, and have a bit of fun with the kids and learn more about energy at the same time. We bet you’ll start to make some savings once you hyave tried it out.
Tags: energy monitors, on loan, southend libraries.
1 Comment
Thanks for posting the library Energy monitors info on your blog- they are proving really popular with readers – so much so that Southend Central Library currently has a waiting list! Note: monitors are available for loan from ALL branch libraries in Southend and library membership is FREE / can be set up online 24/7 via the website. To find your nearest branch click on
PS Southend libraries now have set up a test twitter account and links to facebook etc – visit
PPS Southend Libraries offer free talks and “discovery tours” to any community group / organisation etc –
received by e-mail from Simon Wallace.