Mike and I attended a fantastic self-development seminar on Saturday with Mark Rhodes of Rhodes2Success. I have to confess, I went along feeling somewhat resentful that I was forgoing a sunny Saturday in July to sit in a hotel conference suite. Was this really a good idea? Well, without question it was.
Over years, I have been to several self-development courses and seminars. Some are obviously better than others, although invariably there is something to learn and bring away with you. Mark’s course has certainly been one of the best to date.
There were three distinct features that made Mark’s seminar stand out from the crowd.
Delivery: the key aspect that glued the whole course together was Mark’s delivery. Mark related everything he spoke about to his own successful business journey in very straightforward terms. It all made sense. He has been there and got the t-shirt! The overriding message throughout the day was ‘take action!’
Personal: we were asked to do several exercises to establish our own goals, limiting beliefs etc. But there was no sharing of this personal information, no group hugs, no need to feel unconfortable about your own personal situation.
No selling: I have been to some good seminars that have been spoilt by the continual pressure, often quite subliminal, to enrol on to the next (very expensive) course. There was none of that with Mark.
The course was from 10am until 5pm. Two other speakers gave brief, informative talks about life coaching and body language.  We had the normal lunch and comfort breaks, but Mark managed to keep us enthralled for most of the day. When the seminar had finished, there was no great rush to escape! Many people were still nattering at 6pm.
Thoroughly recommended. Have a look at Mark’s web site to find out more.
Tags: Mark Rhodes, personal development course., Rhodes2Success, success day seminar