I have been lucky enough to be offered the Slendertone Abs in order to do a review. I have tried it a couple of times and its fine: bit of a strange sensation but not a problem. Certainly makes you feel as if it is doing something. The trouble is, I’m really meant to be doing this regularly so I can do a six week review – and that includes using the machine 5 times a week, 3 lots of exercise and eating sensibly.
I am really looking forward to getting my tummy toned for the summer, but…….
Help!! I just can’t seem to get myself on the treadmill (figuratively speaking of course!! – I don’t actually need to go to the gym) I am just so busy, often out at meetings etc. and can’t get into a proper routine. Any ideas, motivational tips?
Tags: 6 pack, exercise, Fitness, slendertone abs