During second World War, Buckingham Palace supported the ‘dig for victory’ campaign with its own vegetable patch. It is wonderful to see the Queen once again encouraging the ‘grow-your-own’ movement by setting an example and digging up some of her flower growing garden and turning it into a vegetable patch.
The Queen’s 30ft x 12ft plot (we are sure something bigger could be accommodated – but its a start!) will be completely organic and is irrigated from the palace borehole.
There is a very strong movement across the country for organic, grow your own produce. Most allotments have huge waiting lists, the National Trust is encouraging landowners to lend spare plots of land to the public, Boris Johnson has announced plans to plant vegetables on unused areas and rooftops in London, and www.landshare.com provides a vehicle for people across the country to make contact if they have surplus land / are looking for land for vegetable growing.
A grow your own revolution is happening!!