‘In Need Appeal’
Most of us are aware of the wonderful work undertaken at Fair Havens. Sadly, this hospice is dangerously short of funds and vital nursing services are in danger of closure. They urgently need to raise £250,000 by 31st March. Our article Fair Havens Hospice explains more, or visit www.fairhavens.org.uk. You can also make payments via their appeal hotline 01702 220305. And even by changing your search engine you could add extra for your favourite charity………………
Did you know you can raise money for any charity of your choice by using www.everyclick.com as your search engine? It does not cost you anything but helps others! Do go to the site and register, remembering to name the charity you would like the funds to go to. And don’t forget to make sure you set it as your default search engine.Â