If you are holding date specific online events that can help individuals during these challenging times, you are welcome to add these events to the calendar (using the green button below) providing you are a charity or community group and/or the events are free to access.
Please note: The events in Essex featured are all third party events: Healthy Life Essex is not normally directly involved in organising or running any of these events. As events may be cancelled or details changed without us being informed, please always clarify details with the organiser/contact listed. Healthy Life Essex cannot accept responsibility for incorrect information shown on our events listings.
Directory advertisers can add their own ad hoc events free of charge as can most charities. Other events may incur a cost. The directors reserve the right not to accept entries or to make a small charge.
From primordial soups to primates in suits: the evolution of all life on earth, a talk by Dr David Jones of Natural History Museum, London. £1 donation with a small charge for refreshments. Venue: Laindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon Basildon SS15 6NX Ample parking. No booking required. Non-members are most welcome. Organised by Basilson Natural History Society
Find out more »This event is organised by the Basildon Natural history Society, an EWT Group. Join Ken Adams for a talk about saltmarsh botany and ecology. Non-members are welcome
Find out more »This event at Laindon Community Centre has been organised by the Basildon Natural History Society in conjunction with Essex Wilslife Trust. Mary Smith will give an illustrated talk about wild plants and why they deserve a place in our gardens. Refreshments are available for a small charge.
Find out more »This event, to be held at Laindon Community Centre, is organised by the Basildon Natural History Society in conjunction with the EWT. Chris Curran will give a talk on the Langdon Regeneration Project.
Find out more »An illustrated Talk by John LLewllyn-Jones discussing Mother of Pearl and its uses Followed by the members Christmas social evening, with refreshments. £1 donation requested. Venue: Laindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon Basildon SS15 6NX All ages Welcome
Find out more »This interesting talk has been arranged by the Basildon Natural History Society EWT Group. Learn about the moths and butterflies of Mersea Island, a talk by Dougal Urquhart Non-members most welcome. Refreshments available at a small charge
Find out more »This event has been organised by the Basildon Natural history EWT Local Group. Slugs: a life of slime, a talk by Simon Taylor. A chance to learn a little something about the garden creatures that so love to eat your plants leaves. Non-members most welcome. Refreshments available at a small charge
Find out more »Join the Basildon Natural History Society Local EWT Group for their Annual General Meeting at the Laindon Community Centre, followed by a social evening with wine and cheese and members’photo competition. Social event. Non-members of the society are most welcome. Small charge for interval refreshments.
Find out more »This illustrated talk by Essex and Suffolk Water about conservation has been organised by the Basildon Natural History Society Local EWT Group. Non-members are welcome. Refreshments available at a small charge.
Find out more »An illustrated talk by Graham Mee about the Magnificent Migration of birds organised by the Basildon Natural history EWT Local Group. Refreshments are available at a small charge. Non-members are most welcome.
Find out more »An illustrated talk by Ray Cranfield.about amphibians and reptiles, both native and non-native. This event is organised by the Basildon Natural History society EWT Local Group but non-members are most welcome. Ample parking available. Refreshments are are available at a small charge.
Find out more »The Basildon Natural History Society EWT Local Group have organised a talk with illustrations by Dr Rod Cole. The talk will be followed by members' Christmas social evening, with refreshments.
Find out more »This illustrated talk by Chad Colby Blake from the Essex Beekeepers'Association.will provide lots of information and advice for people who want their planting to encourage and support bees, butterflies and other pollinators. There is ample parking space. Refreshments are available at a small charge. The event has been arranged by the Basildon Natural History Society Local EWT Group, but non-members are most welcome.
Find out more »Enjoy an illustrated talk on the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection. The talk given by John Matthews focuses on Alfred Russell Wallace & his contribution to the theory. There is ample parking space. Refreshments are available at a small charge. This event is organised by the Basildon Natural History Society EWT Local Group, but non-members are most welcome.
Find out more »This interesting illustrated talk in Basildon on the ecology of the tidal Thames is being delivered by the Port of London Authority. Join the Basildon Natural History Society Local EWT Group to find out more about this diverse habitat, including sea mammals and birds. Non-members are welcome.
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