If you are holding date specific online events that can help individuals during these challenging times, you are welcome to add these events to the calendar (using the green button below) providing you are a charity or community group and/or the events are free to access.
Please note: The events in Essex featured are all third party events: Healthy Life Essex is not normally directly involved in organising or running any of these events. As events may be cancelled or details changed without us being informed, please always clarify details with the organiser/contact listed. Healthy Life Essex cannot accept responsibility for incorrect information shown on our events listings.
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A glow worm evening. Meet at 9.00pm at the lay-by in Halstead Road, (map ref TL 954253) and walk to EWT Iron Latch Meadow, to see and hear a range of bat species and glow worms. Bat detectors provided. This free event, organised by the Colchester local wildlife group, is suitable for all ages. Meet at the lay-by in Halstead Road (Map ref: TL 954253), at 9pm. Contact Chris Davis for more info or to confirm attendance. Text to 07941…
Find out more »A fun evening for all the family organised by the Colchester EWT Local Group. First, with the aid of electronic bat detectors, we will identify various species of bat that come out to hunt in the twilight skies of Iron Latch Lane. Then we move on to the meadow of the Iron Latch reserve to identify and count glow-worms as part of the yearly survey of this fascinating little creature. Meet at the lay-by at Iron Latch Lane.
Find out more »Iron Latch Nature Reserve near Colchester is a 10.5 acre reserve of flower-rich meadow, plus 4 acres of long established and possibly ancient woodland. Come along and join a work party organised by the Colchester Local EWT Group to help maintain and improve one of our local reserves. Learn about nature and get a valuable addition on your CV Learn about wildlife, make new friends and get fit (forget the gym, get a green work out). Contact the reserve warden…
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