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Would you like to join a beach clean on Jubilee Beah with Kiko Matthews?
As you will see from the information below, Kiko has been completing an amazing challenge clearing beaches around the coast of the UK. Shoebury Residents Association is proud to have arranged for Kiko to visit Southend and is encouraging people of all ages to get involved.
For more information, email Peter Lovett:
Kiko Matthews was born in 1981 and before she reached the age of 40 she was diagnosed with “Cushings Disease” with a large tumour on her pituitary gland, which was removed in 2018 by King’s College Hospital. She decided to support the hospital & started extensive training to complete her challenge. This was to row 3284 miles across the Atlantic as the fastest female. She succeeded in 49 days & 7 hours. After resting, she decided to start another challenge, but this time she did not want to be alone and isolated. As a lover of the environment, she decided to start a gruelling cycle ride around 7200 km of the UK’s coastline to visit 90 beach towns, clearing 2100 kg of rubbish to date, with the support of around 1200 volunteers. I believe she has already raised in excess of £100,000 for Kings College Hospital. Well done Kiko and her team.
We so wanted to support Kiko when she arrived in Southend on 27th July and make our town an important part of her memory for her challenge, We connected with Veolia for the rubbish & Win O’Sullivan as our partner beach clean leader in Southend. We also contacted the Council, Highways, Pier & Foreshore, Make Southend Sparkle and even a new Southend Council Officer which has joined “PlastiCity”, a 3 year European funded research project to reduce the plastic & support local businesses to do the same. Local seafront traders, like Philip Miller & Paul Thomson of Adventure Island & Pebble One have agreed to support us with a gift for every young child that supports the Beach Clean. The new Mayor of Southend has agreed to give her a warm Southend welcome. Park Inn Place hotel has agreed to also support Kiko with local accommodation for the night. We have even asked local cycle clubs to support Kiko on her last leg to London. Bringing together residents, schools, charities, businesses & the Council has been our aim for the last 12 months and is now starting to pay dividends.