If you are holding date specific online events that can help individuals during these challenging times, you are welcome to add these events to the calendar (using the green button below) providing you are a charity or community group and/or the events are free to access.
Please note: The events in Essex featured are all third party events: Healthy Life Essex is not normally directly involved in organising or running any of these events. As events may be cancelled or details changed without us being informed, please always clarify details with the organiser/contact listed. Healthy Life Essex cannot accept responsibility for incorrect information shown on our events listings.
Directory advertisers can add their own ad hoc events free of charge as can most charities. Other events may incur a cost. The directors reserve the right not to accept entries or to make a small charge.
Aldham Open Gardens is being revived after a three year break. We have a few new gardens and some have changed ownership so there is a good selection of large and small gardens to see.
The Dedham Art Society, who celebrated their 50th anniversary last year, will be holding an art exhibition in Aldham Church. The Village Hall will be open for refreshments from 11.00am, with light lunches (Ploughman’s etc) available between 12.30pm and 2.00pm. Some of the open gardens will serve tea and cakes and there will be plant and cake stalls at various locations. There will also be bookstall in the church.
We are to once again have a minibus to ferry people around the village – always a popular facility which helps to avoid some congestion. Pick up the bus from Mill Race Garden Centre on New Road.
Proceeds are to be shared between The Village Hall, Friends of Aldham Church (to maintain the fabric of the church), and Cancer Research UK.
How to get event passports
On the day from the Village Hall, the church, or most participating gardens; in advance during the week beforehand from 29 Hines Close, Aldham.
Plant sales
Plant sales at the village hall and at some gardens.