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Two gardens in the village of Stebbing, near Great Dunmow.
3 Pound Gate – Wal & Jenny Hudgell
A third acre plot, on a very sandy and flat site, that was completely changed in 2010. Fields on two sides provide excellent views across the valley.
The borders are packed with an eclectic mix of herbaceous perennials and shrubs for all year round interest with emphasis on drought and wind tolerance as the garden is on top of a small Essex hill which is usually very dry during the summer months. There are approximately 40 different varieties of hemerocallis, chosen to flower at different times, as well as numerous Iris, hostas and shrub roses, followed by Michaelmas daisies and sedums for late summer interest.
Approximately 40 new trees planted around the garden to provide height to the flat site. There is a medium size vegetable garden.
Light refreshmants are available, and plants for sale will have been propogated from plants currently growing in the garden.
St Helens – Stephen & Joan Bazlington
This garden was a former willow plantation and is a garden of contrasts due to both moist and dry conditions. Laid out on a gentle Essex slope, these contours give rise to changing vistas and unanticipated areas of seclusion framed with hedging and generous planting.
There are also walkways and paths alongside natural springs and still waters.
Home-made teas available