The term for me evokes images of street parties and lots of community music, dance and fun!! But Street Scene Officers have a much more serious role to play. Their role will be to work with local residernts to tackle enviro-crime issues such as graffitti, littering and dumping of rubbish. They will be trained in various enforcement methods including the issue of Fixed Penaly Notices.
I think this is a brilliant idea. Having respect for the environment is the very first step in changing peoples attitudes and thinking about the future: if they have no respect for their own neighbourhood what hope is there? I do hope the officers will be trained to speak to offenders and try and encourage them to change their ways – not just slap them with a Penalty Notice in order to reach their ‘targets’: that would just encourage more devious anti-social behaviour wouldn’t it?
A great idea Southend – let’s all help to make it work and take a pride in our neighbourhoods. If you already have such a scheme in your area, do let us know.Â