It is estimated that households across the nation throw away 6.7 million tonnes of food waste every year. This mostly goes into landfill and can produce potentially damaging greenhouse gasses.
Some councils already operate a food waste collection and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council has just started to introduce its own. It has proved very successful so far. In the first week alone 22 tonnes of assorted food waste has been collected.
Food waste collected from Southend residents is taken to an in-vessel composting facilityand placed in tunnels. Each tunnel has a controlled environment with adjustable air-flow, temperature and moisture content. This composts the mixture correctly so it meets the Animal By-Product Regulations 2005. Â The composted material can be used on either in agriculture, horticulture or in land restoration projects.
But don’t forget, its great to make your own compost if you have a garden and you are able.  Obviously meat and cooked food cannot be used for home composting, but its great for all those peelings and eggshells. Don’t forget to mix with an even amount of brown waste (shredded paper etc) to get a good crumbly, rich dark compost.  Well done Southend! Lets hope all councils introduce a food waste collection as soon as possible.