The following information has been taken from a US site The prospects are realy scary and I would suggest you sign the UK petition against Codex. CLICK HERE
Codex Alimentarius – Dare you ignore it?
More and more people are becoming concerned about the shady, secretive organization that is Codex Alimentarius – the thinly-veiled propaganda arm of the international pharmaceutical industry that does everything it can to promote industry objectives whilst limiting individual options to maintain health (which would diminish mermbers profits).
Codex alimentarius is one of the major bodies behind the effort to limit access to nutritional products and information. Its motivation is not rocket science and neither is the source of its funding – money that somehow expected to return a profit to its members . . . Most of the information available regarding codex alimentarius refers to its role in the USA, but it is not a US-specific body. Far from it, Codex has wiggled its dirty little tentacles into just about every national or international body concerned with public health. Posing as a benefactor, it then uses its significant financial and political clout to do its masters bidding.
As you can read in the excellent article below, there is much to be concerned about when considering codex alimentarius – ignore it at your peril.
Codex Alimentarius – The Sinister Truth Behind Operation Cure-All
(From an original article by Ruth James)
What’s really behind Operation Cure-All? Is it just the FDA and FTC taking their power too far? Or is there a deeper, more sinister purpose to this campaign? Who are Codex Alimentarius?
How could a country that prides itself in its freedom of speech, freedom of choice, and freedom of information be facing such severe restrictions in health freedom and dietary supplements? Haven’t the people made their will known? Didn’t our government pass the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994 to insure our right to health supplements?
Indeed, our government did. But the FDA and FTC have found ways to get around that. The laws put in place to protect us are being ignored. And what’s worse is that those laws are about to be superseded, if the powers that be have their way.
You see, Operation Cure-All is just a tactic, a vehicle, in a much bigger overall plan. It is a result of “Codex Alimentarius” (meaning food code) — a set of regulations that aim to outlaw any health information in connection with vitamins and limit free access to natural therapies on a worldwide scale.
Behind the Codex Alimentarius Commission is the United Nations and the World Health Organization working in conjunction with the multinational pharmaceutical cartel and international banks. Its initial efforts in the US with the FDA were defeated, so it found another ally in the FTC. Now Codex, with the FTC and the pharmaceutical cartel behind it, it threatens to become a trade issue, using the campaign of Operation Cure-All to advance its goals.
Codex began simply enough when the U.N. authorized the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization to develop a universal food code. Their purpose was to ‘harmonize’ regulations for dietary supplements worldwide and set international safety standards for the purposes of increased trade. Pharmaceutical interests stepped in and began exerting their influence. Instead of focusing on food safety, Codex is using its power to promote worldwide restrictions on vitamins and food supplements, severely limiting their availability and dosages.
This is to bring about international ‘harmonization.’ While global harmony sounds benign, is that the real purpose of this plan? While the stated goal of Codex is to establish unilateral regulations for dietary supplements in every country, the actual goal is to outlaw health products and information on vitamins and dietary supplements, except those under their direct control. These regulations would supersede United States domestic laws without the American people’s voice or vote in the matter.
Americans gasp at the thought. It goes against everything America stands for. Many believe this can’t be possible. The truth is, it’s not only possible, it’s required by the Codex Alimentarius agreement
If you would like to find out more about Codex, have a look at Philip Days’s site
Well Jill I agree, it is all very strange, that food labelling has to be “harmonised”, that is good as long as everyone has to abide by it and not just small businesses….So what about this new descision by the FDA that cloned meat is “safe to eat”…how do they know? has anyone actually tried it yet, do they really know the results after years of eating the stuff?…and it doesn’t even have to be labeled as such! Here is a piece I took from Care2 website recently….
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it found no evidence that cloned meat poses any kind of public health risk, removing the final barrier to selling meat and milk from cloned cows, pigs and goats in the United States.
Additionally, the FDA asked the meat and dairy industries to continue its voluntary ban on using cloned animals. The moratorium does not apply to the offspring of cloned livestock.
Cloned cows, pigs and goats won’t reach the top of the food chain anytime soon, since the cost to clone an animal is prohibitively high.
It is expected that clones of the best breed stock will be made to produce offspring for human consumption.
The FDA decision on labeling is the most controversial as it doesn’t plan to require that products indicate whether the meat or milk was made from cloned livestock.
I think your comment ‘how do they know’ sum it up. We are continually finding that these new wonderful processes leave a legacy of ill health, Just look at the saying ‘the best thing since sliced bread’ As a nation, this wonderful advance (as it was seen then) meant the beginning of our highly processed diets that are surely to blame for the many chronic illnesses we see today.
And ultimately, we should be able to choose – so anything from cloned animals should certainly be labelled as such.
[…] Jill created an interesting post today on Our supplements and our health at risk.Here’s a short outlineIt is a result of “Codex Alimentarius†(meaning food code) — a set of regulations that aim to outlaw any health information in connection with vitamins and limit free access to natural therapies on a worldwide scale. … […]