The Daily Mail is today launching a new campaign ‘Action on Alzheimer’s’ as a damming report discovers severe cut backs in the NHS services being offered to patients. In some areas of the country, it seems many trusts do not provide any specific dementia care at all. More and more families are being affected by this terrible disease, and it is unthinkable that services are being slashed in the wake of such NHS cuts.
If the figures produced by the Daily Mail are accurate, something must certainly be done to protect the elderly (and also younger sufferers) and halt this decline in services.
But there is also another side to this story, as with many others that discuss cut backs and deficiencies in NHS services. Our NHS used to be the envy of countries throughout the world. While receiving free treatment is indeed a great advantage, sadly the NHS is no longer a bright and shining star. But surely we need to take some responsibility for this ourselves? As a nation, we just cannot continue to eat badly, drink too much, never exercise and spend all our spare time in front of the television without expecting to get ill. And when we get ill, we expect the NHS to make us better on demand! It is time we took more responsibility for ourselves and our families. If we lead healthier lifestyles now, the toll on the NHS will decrease and it will be more able to retain quality standards of essential services.
We wish the Daily Mail good luck with their campaign. Alzheimer’s sufferers and their carers should have lots of support and it is unthinkable that their services should be cut.
But also, let us all resolve to lead happier, healthier, greener lifestyles that will not only enhance our lives but that of many others as well.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”-Jim Rohn