living in the flow of natural rhythms
by Jocelyn Chaplin
Feminist philosopher and therapist, Jocelyn Chaplin, is a well known speaker and writer. In this book, she describes how we can only achieve fairness and justice in society by aiming for vertical rather than hierarchical behaviour. Our earliest and most ancient memories are of the rhythm of our planet and of our own bodies, by becoming aware of these rhythms we can improve our wellbeing. If we can flow in harmony with our moods, our bodily energies and our circumstances, we can experience more gentle and enjoyable relationships and we can be happier and healthier.
Jocelyn has provided several of her paintings which demonstrate in art the flowing and curving, weaving and wandering of her philosophy. She is co-founder of the Serpent Institute which promotes personal transformation and social change..
Initially reviewed October 2009 Wendy Stokes – Wendy is a local writer for New Age magazines.