Garden Organic Local is a vision of how Garden Organic and other local groups can work together to encourage more people to grow their own organic food.
Garden Organic trustee Dave Allen is looking for groups and individuals who might be interested in getting involved in this project. For further information Garden Organic
1 Comment
This reminds me of the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign during WW2 my Nan used to tell me about. Maybe it’s needed now as much as ever?
My Mum’s a keen gardner and every year we grow more and more of our own fruit and veg. She’s even got me interested in it.
I’m not sure the day will come where we see Cris’ Farm, but I think I have the beginnings of ‘green fingers’.
The more people do this the better. It’s the easiest way to ensure quality food on your table and cut down on food miles too.