The Low-GL Diet Bible
by Patrick Holford.
I can understand why this is called a bible. For a start, it is a huge tome of 445 pages. But this authoritative book not only provides a whole section of menus and delicious recipes (including such yummy things as chocolate ice cream and chicken fajitas) it very clearly explains all the science behind the low-GL concept. It also contains several useful appendices including a Body Mass Index and a comprehensive Glycemic Load of Foods.
But this book isn’t just about losing weight. It is arguably the most effective ‘weight-loss diet’ you could possibly have but, unlike many other diets, the focus is on optimising health.
Patrick divides the book in to 5 sections:
Part One explains the science behind the low-GL diet and exposes 10 common diet myths such as “the only way to lose weight is to eat less fat and less calories” and “you can’t change your metabolism.” Unfortunately, the first myth tends to be the orthodox approach to weight loss and may partially explain the increasing obesity epidemic.
Part Two concentrates on the health benefits of the Holford diet, once again all backed up by science. Many diets can actually be damaging for your health. Patrick explains how, by sticking to the low-GI diet, you can “undamage your health.”
Part Three expands on the five principles of the low-GL diet and drills down further into the science. For example, an analysis of the chemical structure of different types of sugars shows that not all sugars are created equal!
Part Four provides a complete action plan – an easy guide full of tips to help you break old habits and start a new food and exercise regime.
Part Five contains menus and recipes as mentioned above.
If you are really serious about losing weight and being the healthiest you have ever been, this book is definitely for you. Now, let me check out the shopping list on page 260!
ISBN 978-0-7699-4167-3
Available at, and Amazon
Reviewed: June 2009
1 Comment
[…] healthy diet approaches you might consider which are very similar are a low GI diet and a Mediterranean diet. In both instances, these are diets fad diets are are not based on miks […]