Gut and Psychology Syndrome
by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride
MD, MMEDSci (neurology), MMedSci (nutrition)
Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride is founder of The Cambridge Nutrition Clinic which specialises in nutrition for children and adults with behavioural and learning disabilities, and adults with digestive and immune system disorders. She is also the parent of an autistic child and is therefore well placed to understand the challenges other parents face. Her sometimes controversial book presents in depth research in to how the gut works, and how poor gut function impacts so tremendously on both physical and brain function of children and adults.
The book also includes ‘recommended foods’, ‘foods to avoid’ and some really good recipes. If you have children with behavioural problems, or are an adult with digestive problems (and what adult doesn’t seem to have digestive problems these days?), you will find this book invaluable. In fact, anyone who appreciates that “all disease begins in the gut” (Hippocrates), will also find the book extremely interesting. Definitely a reference book for both the family and the practitioner. tel: 01353 723234 ISBN 0-9548520-0-1
[Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride is also the scientist who developed the ‘Advanced Probiotic’. She recommends supplementation with a strong therapeutic probiotic as an essential for healing the gut.
For further information about the ‘Advanced Probiotic’ telephone 0800 0435740.]
(Healthy Life – Mind, Body & Soul Magazine issue 6. Spring 2007)