There has been great concern about Codex Alimentarius and the possibility that there would be unwelcome controls on our vitamins, minerals and botanical food supplements. Some have even spoken of extensive and extremely frightening conspiracy theories The following re-assuring response is from No. 10.
Tags: botanical food supplements, Codex Alimentarius, minerals, protect our supplements., vitamins“ There are no current or planned Codex Alimentarius proposals that require the UK to change the controls on vitamin and mineral or botanical food supplements.Â
The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 to develop food standards and guidelines. One of the main purposes of Codex’s work is to protect the health of consumers. Codex texts and guidelines are not enforceable in law and Codex member countries are not obliged to reflect their requirements in domestic legislation. Â
In the UK, food supplements are regulated under the European Food Supplements Directive 2002/46/EC which came into effect in the UK in 2003 and has applied since 2005. The Directive is implemented into national UK law by the Food Supplements Regulations (England) 2003. There are no plans to make vitamin and mineral or botanical food supplements available on prescription only.Â
Herbal remedies are subject to separate controls and are overseen by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority. Herbal remedies do not fall within the scope of Codex guidelines.
An outline of Codex, its activities and the UK’s involvement is available at:”