I lived near Southchurch Hall Park when I first came to Southend over thirty years ago. It is a beautiful little park with delightful gardens, lake and historical buildings.
The Southchurch Park Watch scheme are now hoping to establish a Friends of Southchurch Hall Gardens. Would you like to be involved? The following information has been provided by Community Engagement Officer Mick Holland:
Southchurch Park Watch scheme, working  in association with SBC  Parks Department would like to invite you to attend a meeting to establish a Friends of Southchurch Hall Gardens group on Tuesday 22 September 2009 at 7 pm in Southchurch Hall.
SBC is putting a bid into  Heritage Lottery Funding in relation to improvements to the facilities at Southchurch Hall Gardens. I would stress that these improvements will be in keeping with the scheduled ancient monument and will be overseen by English Heritage.
As part of the process it is essential that a Friends scheme is set up in order that the local community can be involved. If you can attend the meeting on 22 September to discuss the proposed Friend’s Scheme and to consider ways in which the scheme can be progressed. Please RSVP Southendnhw@aol.com
Mick Holland
Community Engagement Officer
Tags: Community Engagement Officer.National Heritage, Friends of Southchurch Hall Gardens, Mick Holland, Southchurch Hall Gardens, Southchurch Hall Park Community Engagement Officer