I stumbled across this study the other day which appears to confirm what many tai chi practitioners have known for say, well at least a few hundred years:
As a physical therapist I am finding that increasingly more and more tai chi is slipping into my treatments. I feel my role as a therapist is to not only help my client with whatever conditions they may experience but also give them a means to understand and take responsibility for their own health – I much prefer to give someone a fishing rod rather than keep handing out fish.
Prevention is far better than a cure and is generally a of a lot cheaper! Physical therapy is a fantastic tool for bringing the body back to a state of health and balance but too many people hand responsibility for their health over to their therapists and doctors and the over the years the costs mount up – both physically and financially. Through practices such as tai chi (which is now officially good for you because the scientists have said so!), yoga and pilates we have the ability to become our own therapists and manage our health. In the long run not only is this far more cost effective and personally satisfying but also means that you never have to wait for a treatment!