Ann and Pete Wilson used to live in Colchester but have now moved to Toronto, Canada. They enjoy visits ‘home ‘ but were quite shocked on their last visit when then realised the amount of chemicals being used by the local council. Ann said:
“My husband and I are living in Canada but visiting family in Essex after an absence of 4 years. We have noticed and are appalled by the abundant use of pesticides along pathways, road sides, around trees, posts and other areas that can’t be reached easily for cutting. The results are hardly attractive and the run-off must surely endanger, birds and other creatures as well as polluting streams and waterways. My husband’s sister tells us that men wearing masks come to spray “weeds” on her housing development and seems to think is it safe and o.k!Â
I am just wondering if this is a new policy as it seems prevalent in other counties too. A ban on cosmetic pesticides has been passed in Ontario Canada to protect the environment as well as people’s health. I was wondering if there is any movement or interest in getting this practice stopped in England.”
Paula Whitney from the Colchester & North Essex Friends of the Earth replied that she had started a campaign several years previously to ban all cosmetic use of pesticides. Initially, she was called a scaremongerer but, after extensive research carried out by the University of Essex, it was agreed by both Essex County Council and Colchester Council to ban all pesticides that were or might be carcinogenic or mutagenic. This left them with glyphosate. Unfortunately, this does leach in to the water table and, more recently, it has also found to be carcinogenic.
It would seem that we all need to write to our local councillors and MPs and try and get this policy changed as soon as possible.
Tags: cosmetic pesticides, Friends of the Earth, glyphosate