The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths welcomes the announcement by doctors at Addenbrooks Hospital of new a medical breakthrough in the treatment Peanut Allergy.Â
Steve Scrutton, Registrar of ARH, says of the breakthrough. “At last, medical science has chanced upon a real breakthrough! What they are doing in these trials is treating nut allergy by homeopathy – that is, they are “treating like with likeâ€.Â
The ‘desensitisation’ programme being developed at Addenbrooke’s Hospital involved 22 children between the aged 7 and 17 being given tiny 5mg doses of peanut flour, gradually increasing the daily dose over 6 months to 800mgs a day, which is equivalent to five peanuts.
Another excellent example of basic homeopathic principles is the use of honey from local beehives.
Kim Mackrell, MARH, a London Homeopath, says that local honey has been known to give relief to hayfever sufferers throughout the centuries, even before homeopathy began, and she says that she has used it to good effect with her patients. She added, “In a nearby allotment, residents are starting to keep bees, to provide local produce for the benefit of hayfever sufferers in mindâ€.
 The ARH believes that medical science is not just beginning to discover that homeopathy works, but that conventional medicine is now starting to understand the benefits of homeopathic methodology, which has been used, effectively and safely for over 200 years. The ARH welcomes the fact that homeopathy is now being utilised in conventional treatment programmes.
1 Comment
The ARH says “What they are doing in these trials is treating nut allergy by homeopathy – that is, they are “treating like with like—? But that’s not true.
If Addenbrookes had used the homeopathic “like with like” concept, they would have taken something which causes the symptoms of anaphylactic shock in people who don’t have a peanut allergy (something like, say, nerve gas), diluted it so only a miniscule or more likely non-existent amount remains, then given that to the allergy-sufferer.
What they have actually done is to gradually increase the allergy-suffers’ exposure to the thing which used to cause them to go into anaphylactic shock. I’m sure there was a lot of immunology and chemistry involved, but homeopathy doesn’t enter into it.