Southend University Hospital is proud to become the first NHS organisation to sign up to Face Equality – a campaign to overcome discrimination against people with facial disfigurement. The pledge comes on the eve of International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Wednesday, December 3rd. A survey earlier this year showed that 90 per cent of the general public judge people with disfigurement as less socially skilled, less likely to succeed, less attractive and less likely to lead happy lives.
Severe disfigurement is covered by the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act but can be overlooked in employers’ disability guidelines and training.
James Partridge, now chief executive of Changing Faces, said: “We are delighted that Southend University Hospital is taking the lead as the first NHS organisation to show a real commitment to Face Equality, and we hope that other NHS Trusts and public sector organisations will be inspired to follow their example.â€
Changing Faces is a UK registered charity whose vision is to create a better and fairer future for people who have disfigurements to the face, hands or body – whatever the cause. The ultimate goal is to enable everyone to face disfigurement with confidence.
More information can be found at