Taking care of your mental health when you are grieving
In the last few years, many of us have become accustomed to grief. The pandemic took thousands of our loved ones from us and even in the best of times, death is still an unfortunate part of life. But the grief and loss that follow the death of a loved one can be all-encompassing and stop you from functioning in your daily life if you don’t get a tight hold of it. Your mental health when grieving is never in a more fragile place.
With that in mind, here are a few ways to cope with the seemingly impossible task of moving on from grief.
Talking helps
Talk to your friends and family about how you feel. It might be easier to avoid them but spending time with them and seeking their support can help you if you are feeling alone. Isolating yourself might seem like the most natural thing to do but isolation often breeds negative thoughts. Spending time with the people closest to you can mitigate some of these dark clouds, even if they are just there to sit with you and hold your hand.
Travel broadens the soul
Exploring new places can also help if you are struggling to cope with grief. Grief travel is not an unusual phenomenon and people can decide to do it alone or with other family members as a bonding strategy. Travelling with your family can be expensive though, which is why you might want to consider applying for a probate loan if you are waiting on an inheritance to cover your expenses. You can also travel in the knowledge that your loved one allowed you to make the journey, which is always going to be a lovely way to honour their memory.
Similarly, if the death of someone close has left you facing financial difficulties, which will inevitably impact your mental health even more when you are already grieving, considering an inheritance advance to help ease that difficult time might be a sensible option.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
While grief might feel like the most personal thing in the world it’s something that almost everyone has been through and will go through. That’s why there are dozens of charities that have been set up to help those experiencing grief. Charities like Mind will offer counselling with counsellors who will have gone through what you’re going through. Because sometimes, while our loved ones are great to talk to, grief is a burden you’d feel more comfortable sharing with a stranger who understands your grief.
Many people also find talking therapies effective. With the growth of online talking therapy options, many people find it even easier to share there feelings and speak with someone who in relatively ‘anonymous.’
Religion and tradition
If the more scientific and emotional approach doesn’t appear to be working for you then you might be more inclined to explore more spiritual grief counselling options. For thousands of years, people have been turning to their religions and cultural traditions for comfort during times of grief and there’s a reason why millions more still do so to this day. If you are a member of a church, mosque or other spiritual centres, look to them for help and guidance and they will be more than happy to offer it.
Whatever option or options work for you, if you are struggling with your mental health when grieving, it is important to get the right type of support or intervention as soon as possible to avoid an escalation of mental health issues that could affect you now and possibly for many years to come if not addressed in a timely fashion.